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Serenity Oak Farm Taco:  
 ADCA #019039      
 Markers on File 
 PDCA #203587-C
 Tested Chondrodysplasia Free 
 Tested PHA Free
 Heterozygous A1/A2

(Taco pictured at 3 years, May 2008)
(Frederick pictured here at 7 years, October 2008)
Circle H's Frederick:  Our Past Herd Bull

   ADCA #13691
  PDCA # 200185-C
  Tested Chondrodysplasia Free
  Tested PHA Free
  Markers on File (Sire and Dam) 
  Homozygous A2 (A2/A2)  

Some of 
Frederick's offspring
Last Updated November 2024
Mrald Ramblers Last Ride:  
 ADCA #020263
 Markers on File     
 PDCA #205338
 Tested Chondrodysplasia Free 
 Tested PHA Free
​ Black, Carries Red
 Homozygous A2

Ryder was our creation and the last calf produced by Carol Davidson's Hiyu Rambler II.  Rambler was a unique combination of Saturn of Knotting (from the Knotting dairy in England) and Bedford Moss Rose, one of the very last remnants of the Bedford (Kellogg) line. Ryder's dam, Circle H's Naomi, was bred by Gerald Holmquist and produced 2.5 to 3 gallons a day of sweet, creamy milk high in butterfat.  Ryder was shown by us and his new owners in Bonifay, FL  - Ya Reckon Dexters and always was at the top of his class.

Circle H's Naomi

Hiyu Rambler II
Mrald Overture:  
 ADCA #025264      
 Markers on File 
 Chondrodysplasia Free 
 PHA Free
 Homozygous A1
 Homozygous Polled
 Dun, Carries Red 

We created Over and shipped him to join the Belle Fourche herd as a weanling.  He is an outstanding example of what we breed for.  A product of HV Saltaire Susie and Serenity Oak Farm Taco.  Said to be one of the nicest dun bulls ever bred, Over made the cut at Belle Fourche to be a candidate for not only semen collection but International Collection as well.  This young bull has calves world wide. 

Over's first calf in Europe
Over's first calf in                   Over's first calf
 Australia                                 in South Africa

          One of Over's calves in the USA

Mrald Absolutely Perfect:  Our Second Herd Bull  
 ADCA #      
 Markers on File 
 Tested Chondrodysplasia Free 
 Tested PHA Free
 Homozygous A2/A2
 Homozygous Polled
 Homozygous Red
 Carries Dun


Saltaire Platinum:  
 ADCA #6504
 Calving Date September 1990    
 Chondrodysplasia Free 
 PHA Free
 Black, Carries Red

OH YEAH!  We have Platinum!​
Hillview Red Wing:  
 ADCA #12899
 Calving Date February 2002    
 Chondrodysplasia Free 
 PHA Free
 Homozygous Polled 

Of course we have Red Wing.  One of Susie's boys.  The first tested homozygous polled Dexter.  Red Wing is the entire package, udders, disposition and conformation.  Our power house Sheridan was a Red Wing daughter.
First time udder on an Absolute daughter - Mrald LizzyT
Absolutes dam as a youngster -
Mrald Dun to Perfection
Absolute bull calf - Mrald Napoleon
Absolute heifers 
Absolute heifer